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Mark Mod для SWAT 4
[ Скачать с сервера (7.81 Mb) ] 23.10.2010, 16:05

Последняя версия админ мода для SWAT 4, от Markа.

Подробнее о моде Марка можно узнать здесь.

В 13 версии добавлены следующие возможности:

Added: Webadmin country flags!
Added: An automatic action to a player can now be "mute 600”, instead of just "mute”. Which now mutes players for 600 seconds, instead of 24 hours
Added: Messages after the round has been completed or failed but ending later on.
Added: NoRecoilSensitivity variable in AMMod.SMAC, set the sensitivity of the no-recoil detection.
Added: LongArmsSensitivity variable in AMMod.SMAC, set the sensitivity of the Long-arms detection.
Added: WeaponModificationSensitivity variable in AMMod.SMAC, set the sensitivity of the Weapon Modification detection.
Added: FixPing variable in AMMod.SMAC, set to False to get rid of the 250 max ping J
Added: ReduceLag variable in AMMod.MBMod, set between 0-10, higher is less lag J
Added: WebAdminCSSLink in AMMod.AMWebAdminListener, set your link for an own template for the CSS webadmin layout J
Added: MUPS – MarkMod Universal Player Statistics (BETA) support
Added: Long Arms (for doors) detection for SWAT4 v1.1
Added: More detailed information about SMAC ingame (kick ac smacstatus)!
Added: EnableMUPS in AMMod.MBMod.
Added: ClientPassword in AMMod.AMAdmin

Changed: EnableAntiCheat to EnableSMAC in AMMod.MBMod.

Fixed: Servercrash in non-dedicated mode, caused by the MarkMod Sounds. Sounds only work in dedicated mode now.

Removed: Mark Webadmin Advisor
Removed: Admincommand: markmodinfo (use now: kick ac info)
Removed: Admincommand: featurestatus (use now: kick ac info)

Known bug (1): MM_Bots are acting odd, they disappear and appear through walls.
Known bug (2): Sometimes the Maprotator fails to travel to the next map.
Known bug (3): The sounds go crazy in Co-Op sometimes.
Known bug (4): Players gaming on a 3G or WiFi network sometimes get banned by SMAC, while they don’t cheat.

Notice: MM_Bots & MUPS are currently in Beta.

Категория: SWAT 4 | Добавил: Buba
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